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Mr Will come from USA

I have zero experience with martial arts, so I was a bit nervous when I first walked into the dojo and saw the Shiseikai members with their black uniforms and real swords. I was relieved to quickly learn that this group is serious about their practice, but very kind and welcoming to visitors who are curious about what they do. Strict and harsh sensei are common in the martial arts world, I hear, but Horiuchi-sensei is very patient and supportive, so I joined the group right away and am so glad I did. We have a national champion as well as several highly-ranked members, and I feel lucky to know them and learn from them. Batto-do is the art of drawing a real sword and cutting targets in place of opponents, as well as performing the techniques without a target. There's no screaming or fighting anyone like in kendo, and you work to perfect the techniques, competing against yourself, which suits m e perfectly. If you're interested in martial arts, I recommend a visit.


私はいままで武道を経験したことないので、最初に道場に入って黒い道着と本物の刀を持つ士成会のメンバーを見たときに少し緊張しました。 彼らは興味がある訪問者にとても親切に迎えてくれました。 厳密かつ厳しい先生が武道の世界では一般的ですが、堀内先生はとても辛抱強く指導してるので、私はすぐにグループに参加しました。 私たちには、全国大会チャンピオンと高段者のメンバーがいます。私は彼らを知り、彼らから学ぶことができて幸運です。 抜刀道は相手の代わりに実際の刀でターゲットを斬る技術です。 叫び声をあげたりするような人はいませんし、その技術は自分にぴったり合っていています。 武道に興味があるなら、私は訪問を勧めます。




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